Tischa brings strong, convicting, dynamic, and engaging Bible-based talks to your events and conferences.
Talks & Teachings

Tischa’s Testimony
Rape, homelessness, and alcohol abuse are only part of the story.
The Thrill of Victory
How a miraculous Old Testament story can guide us to victory.
The Bride of Christ
Applying the wedding vows to our relationship with Jesus.
Carmel: A Look at Our Spiritual Stride
How long will we go limping between two opinions?
Romans 12:12: Joyful, Patient, Faithful
How to endure through our suffering.
Isaiah 40: Soaring is Just the Beginning
This powerful chapter has a surprise ending!
The Woman at the Well: Drawing People to the Water
What the Bible says about what’s holding you back.
Faith & Obedience
A closer look at Jonah’s obedience, and ours.
When God Says, “Let’s Go!”
Jesus calls us to move through His words in the Gospels.
Who Do You Say He Is?
Are you living a life that accurately reflects Jesus?
Rahab: A Window to Contentment
Lessons from a vulnerable Old Testament prostitute.
Jezebel: The Importance of Having Standards
How did God’s chosen people get a queen like her, and is she back?
Interactive Bible Study Sessions
Increase engagement and enthusiasm while going deeper into God’s

Setting Spiritual Goals
The perfect way to start a new year or a new season with a lesson from Esther.
Enemy Tactics
Recognizing the tactics that trip us up help us to keep our eyes on the Prize – Jesus!
Mirror Mirror
One obscure verse in Exodus teaches us about ministry.
The Walking Dead
A fun and fascinating journey into spiritual survival.
Thankfulness & Thanksgiving
This one comes with a fun game that will shift your perspective.
Forward March
Let’s be part of a movement for Jesus!
The Temptation Challenge
The challenge to overcome temptation is accepted!
7 Ways to Love Like Jesus
We explore the Gospels to learn how to love as He loves.
A Resurrected Life
(an Easter Teaching)
Trust Issues
When our faith is shaken to the core, how do we keep trusting God?
The Holy Spirit
Getting to know the One who dwells within us.
Understanding what it truly means to be set apart.
Breakfast with Jesus
John 21 impacts our walk in profound ways.
Connecting with Jesus through A.C.T.S. – 4 Sessions – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and
Supplication are all explored in these interactive sessions.
Connecting with Jesus through A.C.T.S. – 4 sessions
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication are all explored in these interactive sessions.
Love is … - 2 sessions
Reflective teachings based on 1 Corinthians 13.

Christmas Bible Study & Talks
The Christmas story is full of lessons that we can apply throughout the year. In Beyond His Birth, we discuss the main characters of the Nativity over 4 inspiring sessions.
Joseph: Righteousness
What does Joseph teach us about righteousness?
Mary: Favor & Grace
Is God’s favor exclusively for women like Mary?
The Wise Men: Seeking Jesus
How do we seek Jesus as the Wise Men did?
Jesus: Vulnerability
How can we follow Jesus in allowing ourselves to be vulnerable?
“Tischa has an amazing ability to research stories of the Bible and share her insights in a relevant and meaningful way. I have learned a great deal through her teachings and look forward to delving into each new study she writes.”